... but Mom is quick to remind me that in the Epperson line there is no crown, no walloping great wodges of cash to bequest, no "sceptered sway". But, for the record, she spent her first 20 years as a Torgersen and cannot be trusted. ;)
At 07:28 PST on Tuesday, June 17th, Braden Brent Epperson abruptly entered LDRP room 303 at Yuma Regional Medical Center. Brittiny was a champ through her pregnancy and labor, and as I write this, is enjoying a well-deserved nap.

King Darius had Xerxes and JFK his "John-John", now I have Braden Brent.

Here's Baby Braden trying desperately to give me the finger. Who do you think he looks like?

Grammy and Brooklyn came to visit us at the hospital. Brooklyn seemed un-phased by the competition, and was ever-so-sweet to her little brother. We'll see how long that lasts.

When she was asked to hand back Braden, Brooklyn replied, "No, I am Braden's Mommy." It was a cute moment.

The official stats above. I like the stork cartoon in the lower right of the card. I asked our nurse, "If the stork delivered our baby, then what's with the big bill?" Get it?... Maybe that joke would work if the story were about a duck delivering babies instead of a stork... Oh well.
Well, Brandon & Brittiny, you two have made quite a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations.
He's quite the handsome bloke!
bookers 2: electric boogaloo. he's going to be one of those boys that, in high school, girls refer to as "pretty" and it makes other dudes uncomfortable because it's true. So so cute, can't wait to see you guys again, I miss my little pixie-pants pain in the pants
Congrats!!! He's beautiful!
...Well, you did it again! a beautiful little one and what a heavy burden he bears..the end of the Epperson line, the bearer of all that is sacred to the Epperson men...and though there is no money, nor crown and no moat, there is a lot of love for this little guy.
Welcome to the world, Baby Boo.
Love you already,
Congratulations! He is adorable! Brooklyn will be a fantastic little "mommy".
Parabems fat head Brandon and querido Brittiny!! He is a good looking boy! Little Brookerslyn is an adorable big sis! Ate logo!!
All hail, the crown prince! :)
Brandon, where do you get off saying he looks like Anna? I'll tell ya who he looks like--YOU. :) Congratulations. . .we can't wait to see you all this summer! :)
Upon reflection this morning...my goodness, Brandon, he looks exactly like you did. Go get your scrapbook and look at your own newborn photos! Same-same!
Wow...congrats to both of you...that is awesome!
Did you hear that stork joke from my dad? Because, seriously.
congrats guys! Brandon that was a sweet post!
We love you.
Way to go! He is so cute. Congratulations.
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