Two weeks earlier I flew to CT for work and Brittiny + Brookers spent the weekend there with me. It was fun to drive up to New Haven on the weekend to see so many friends from New Hay Hay and the Woodbridge Ward. Good times.
Now the pics...

Here are Mom and Brookers being all chic in NYC. If you can't tell from the pictures, Brittiny is about a month away from giving birth. Brooklyn insisted on keeping her new shades on all day long, even when the sun wasn't shining or we were in the car.
Brooklyn asked us every 10 minutes, "Do you like my new sunglasses? Are they beautiful?"
In NYC there is a huge Toys R Us. The place is pretty cool, with a large ferris wheel in the middle of the 6 stories of toys. The store gets old when you realize that it's just a big toy store, same as in your local mall, and your wife and daughter are both asking you for your wallet.
Here Brooklyn swings in Central Park. She loved the newly renovated kids part in the SW corner. It was pretty cool.
Even with all the excitement the City has to offer, 2 year-olds bore easily (yawn)!
Nonny and Poppa in front of the Columbia River Gorge, just outside of Portland, OR. This view was fantastic.
Upper Multinomah Falls, pretty darn cool. Definitely worth checking out if your in Portland.
Here we are cheesing for the camera. In front of lower Multinomah falls.
HEY!? You were in my neighborhood! I live about 10 min from Mult. Falls. Would have loved the chance to pop in and say hi to you and your folks. Looks like your Dad is doing well.
I'm a month out from baby no. 2 as well. Hope all goes well for you!
Boo....your..nor you're?? Oh man, you are gonna get it from the grammar Nazis! J/K..thanks for a fun trip. I did not know we were in a T&C Chrysler...I thought it was a Dodge Caravan. Wow, I'm on top of things!
Brookers is in fact a very good little car traveler. She has been more places than most grown ups I know! Thanks for the memories and for not bagging on me for snoring so much. Love you guys.
so we didn't make any mention in the blog huh? I'm hurt. The whale watching trip didn't make the cut either? I guess we can still be friends.
We had a great time with you guys as MENTIONED on our blog
Harsh, Emmy O, I know. When I downloaded all of the pics from my camera there were none of u guys.
Make a deal with you: send me a few jpeg's from our movie night at the Elementary school and I'll do my next blog entry, aight?
okay, deal. What is your e-mail address?
Forgot to comment on the Easter Egg with the "Spring Break--I got Laid"..we Eppersons are a spiritual bunch, eh? All I know is every Easter, somewhere, someone is dyeing an egg with that on it. Ha ha ha it never ceases to make me laugh.
Hey Brandon! I saw your link on Liz Romrells page and hope you don't mind but I thought I'd stop by and say hi! Long time since I have seen you but your family is adorable! I hope all is well! Kerryne (Christensen) Brown
Hey Button!
Looks like your family is healthy and happy. Congrats on the new bun-in-the -oven! It's good to see you.
Hee hee hee... I have tried to forget about those calls... but thanks for reminding me! Too funny! I haven't done that in a few years now (shhh don't tell). Yep, we are in Cyprus, only my husband isn't in the military anymore. He works for L3 Communications and he is contracted out here. Been here about 4 years (he got out of the ARMY in 2003). Life is good!
That is cool that your wife is in the NAVY. I don't think I even know where Yuma AZ is. Looks like your doing good, your little one is soooo cute, and your wife is gorgeous! Congrats on the bun in the oven! So great to catch up with you!
The cheesey grin is the best pic. It is soooo Brooklyn! I am not sure where I've been lately, but not around here much. Sorry about that! Thanks for the great time in Portland. Brookers really is a terrific traveller. The "falls" were certainly a highlight, but mostly just spending some time with you all was great!
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