As you can see w/the below pics of wifey's new Naval maternity uniform, "the Circus is in Town"... meaning she's now wearing a tent to work.
The big news for us is that Brooklyn is potty training. I have the week off from work, so a convenient time to get this ball rolling. I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, and neither does Brooklyn, so we're quite the dynamic duo. Brittiny has steered clear of most of the chaos as she has been at work all week.
This morning we're at the store and she suddenly calls out to me from a toy aisle: "Daddy, I need a go to a potty right now."
I reach down to pick her up and correct her: "No, Brooklyn, by the looks of your pants and sopping-wet shoes you probably don't need to "go to a potty" for at least a while now."
Then in the restroom whilst changing her pee and dukie-soaked clothes I told her:
"Now Brooklyn, you're a big girl and need to let me know when you need to go potty and no matter where we are I'll get you a potty."
"No Daddy, I jus' poop and pee in my panties and you get me new ones and wipe my bum and clean the poop."
So I say: "If you don't poop and pee in the potty then you'll have to wear diapers like a little baby forever. You're not okay with that, are you?"
Brookers replies: "Yeah, I okay with dat, Daddy. Actually, I know how a wear the diapers and be like a baby."
I guess even toddlers fear change. And that's pretty much how things have gone these last three days. I am now grateful that we sprang for the leather couches, which are easier to clean than fabric - don't ask. Kids are disgusting.

Brittiny, Brooklyn and Mindy went for a hike in the foothills around Phoenix. You can see a large Saguaro cactus in the background. These things are everywhere. They are also federally protected, like the Amish, but not opposed to electric appliances, unlike the Amish.
You could buy her elmo panties and tell her that Elmo doesn't like to be wet, and do we want to make Elmo sad? I think the Ubers did that for Annie but with the Little Mermaid.
Holy Smokes could fit an army (well navy) in that uniform!! It's STUNNING!!
Um, did anyone tell Mindy that Brooklyn is not 100% potty trained? I wouldn't carry that little monkey on my shoulders for anything right now.
I am enjoying Brooklyn's phone calls and random bits of her life as she sings and chatters to me until she lays the phone down and walks away...I can hear the background noise but she's obviously moved on to greener pastures.
Good Luck potty training. Keep the house stocked with Cheetos. It'll all be ok. Brandon was pretty well trained by Kindergarten.
Very funny post! I love the Lieutenant's uniform. In the Army, we called that a GP medium!
I absolutely loved Brooklyn's phone call. She is getting so chatty and intelligent. What a personality!
The nice thing about being a grandparent is that someone else does all the cleaning up of the poop and pee. Many are the times I carried a one or two year old on my shoulders on the Lake Mary trail with a damp diaper/pants.
Good luck. at church I shared your potty training escapades with a few sisters as it makes a great story...everyone loved the "I was off work this week so I thought we'd potty train Brooklyn" you have any control over anything.
There's this famous saying: leave a kid alone and they'll be trained by the time they're 3. Start potty training at 2-1/2 and they'll be trained by the time they're 3.
Just a thought.
You have obviously broken man rule #254-thou shalt act inept in all things difficult relating to children, allowing all women to roll thier eyes and think that otherwise capable and intelligent men will inadvertantly kill a child if left alone with one more than 3 hours ata time.
O wait, youve been over ruled by human rule #1 women, no matter age or size, are always right, no matter what logic says.
I think Kay just snapped her fingers and Marlee was magically in crisp clean/dry little mermaid panties.
All i did was follow the rules.
one word...hilarious
Not to put a damper on your storytelling, but in nowise did I say or imply we'd have Brooklyn potty trained in a week. I anticipated the process would take at LEAST a week and a half. ;)
Although I don't like the constant accidents or abiding fear that my kid is off in some undisclosed location inside our home laying an unattended cable, I will miss her sweet voice calling out from the bathroom every few hours: "DAAA-DDDYY! I peein', get me a bag o' cheetos!" whenever she actually is successful.
SO, how's it going? Is the cheeto fairy working overtime, or are the cheetos getting stale in the bag?
I suddenly had this flashback of driving Emily somewhere and handing her a small bag of Cheetos to keep her occupied during the fairly long drive...oh, yes, she was occupied. It took me hours to get the "cheeto dust" out of the upholstery of the van and carseat.
And IF it only take a week and half,,,,you should write a book."Potty training...the Cheeto way", thereby ensuring a lifelong supply of that partcualrly nauseating snackfood.
XOXO to Miss Pixie Pants
With all the money we're spending on National Defense, you'd think the Navy could make some better looking/fitting maternity uniforms!
I'm convinced that the smarter a kid is, the harder it is to potty-train them--after all, they're smart enough to KNOW just how sweet being in diapers really is: no missing precious seconds of your favorite show or having to put down the Play-doh when Nature calls--everything you need is right there, and someone else will clean it all off for you.
Good luck. :)
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