I am still coming to terms with the realization that my daughter thinks I look like a hal
f-bull, half-pig reject from the Island of Dr. Moreau. But tonight at least some of my insecurity was assuaged when, without any prompting, Brooklyn pointed to spread-toothed horned monster with the red nose of a wino and said, "Dat's Mommy." I remarked to Brittiny that our Brookers is a perceptive child. I dunno, maybe b/c that monster was hanging out with "Daddy" on every page Brooklyn got confused. But I guess if you're a hunky-browed, horned, hobbit-toed monster you've got to lower your own standards before heading out to the local bars to get your swerve on.

As not to be confused as one of the wild things making mischief of one kind (and another), here's a pic o'Brooklyn glamming it up for the camera at the be-zatch at Rocky Neck State Park, CT.

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another......what a truly wonderful book and I am glad our Brookers loves it!! And if her father wasn't so hirsute she probably wouldn't think he was a Wild Thing--yet why she would think her delicate mother a Wild thing is beyond me.....I guess cause she's hanging out, doing the wild rumpus??
I'll eat you up, I love you so, Miss Brooklyn!
Did you read the Island of Dr. Moreau? The pig people were hairless.
If it makes you feel any better, E saw a photo of Warren Jeffs in the paper and thought it was Jared. . .
If you are hairy enough to be a Wild Thing, than I must be... beyond comment. Robin Williams makes fun of my arms.
Dalyn, that's Embarrassing...
Holly, which # are you?
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