Sunday, October 08, 2006

Swing and a miss...

Just thought I'd take a second to post a picture of the fair miss Brooklyn. This is her on an impromptu blind date - the male baby pictured is Matthew Stoneman. He met Brooklyn at a summer beach party in Milford, CT. The setup didn't go so well. Brooklyn was more interested in getting back into the cold Atlantic Ocean and Matt had just dropped a stinker in his diaper.


momila said...

Well that answered our question as to who this baby was in the cd you sent us. Sorry the date fizzled, but she's young yet.
Dad watched the cd but was really too sick to care much. Maybe next week when he comes home he'll look at it again and appreciate it more. Brookers just doesn't take a bad pic!

Kellie and/or Joseph said...

Joseph did something similar on our first date.

Sorry to state the obvious, but what a gorgeous baby!

Boo I tried to send you a funny audio clip and it rejected it. What the eff?

B^4 said...

Send to -- should work out for you...