To celebrate the New Year we drove up to Salt Lake City to see the family. As always, it was great to see the family and friends. Below are some pics:
Here is a shot of cousin Jaxen, Brent, Brookers and Sheree (aka Bunni). We all hung out at the Newgate mall. Brooklyn missed her Bunni a lot.
Here Brooklyn flares her nostrils and spins a pirate ship wheel at a local Yuman park. This park was probably the coolest park in Yuma. I realize none of you have ever been to Yuma so the comparison means nothing... but still...
Santa brought Brooklyn a sweet little tricycle for Christmas. It's pretty well-built.
The first in a few closeups of our tree. This "E" ornament we got a few years back at the Enron fire-sale. Kidding, it stands for "Epperson".
We hung stocking over the fireplace, which was pretty stupid since "Santa" brough us each a couple of loosely wrapped chocolate bars. Christmas morning was ruined for everyone: Brittiny spent an hour cleaning up chocolate from the tile grout, and I had to listen to her complain about it.
Here's Uncle Doug, chillin' with Brooklyn. He flew in from Iowa, missing the political caucuses. And from what I've heard, a caucus is even dirtier than the word implies.
Here is Brooklyn with her long lost Connecticut boyfriend, Henry Idone. It was great to hookup with the Idones for breakfast whilst in Ogden.
We took Brooklyn to her first movie, the Bee Movie. She loved it. Especially the part where we let her drink a Root Beer and eat popcorn.
Good thing you've got that fireplace to keep you warm on those chilly Yuma winter nights. . .it must get down to what, 65?
It was great seeing you guys--hope you can come visit again soon! :)
Back again--hang on. . .is that "Screaming Henry?" Aww, he's all grown up!
in certain shots Brooklyn looks much older and more mature than her real age. I have a feeling you are going to have to be on the look out for male "Brooklyn admirers" early on!
Yeah, Screaming Henry Idone is cute as can be, even-tempered and still strong as an ox... it was so cool to see him all big, and baby Rose, too (not pictured)!
Seriously, A fireplace in Yuma?? I love the chocolate will become family lore now, you will always have to have melted candy in your stockings!
Screaming Henry grew up cute! Poor kid, he'll be 25 years old and we'll still be referring to him as "screaming Henry"...ah well. We enjoyed your visit and your hilarious kid. Hol don to your slppahs, she's gonna give you a run for your money!!
Loved the visit. Miss you all already! Brooklyn looks really contented with the movie .. I mean popcorn.
If you think Brooklyn missed her Bunnee, her Bunnee is actually working a plan to move to Yuma and still live near the sound in Tacoma. T'was so good to see Henry, (and obvious why his baby-nickname is no longer necessary). By how happy he looks to see Brooklyn, maybe Brandon should now call him captivated Henry? It was such a wonderful visit, and...just so you know; I'm the one that wished for all that snow!
Brandon, that butter story made me sick.
You know one defintiton of mental illness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....or something like that. Must be why your pops keeps putting on his way-too-big khaki pants and expecting them to fit, even tho he hasn't gained any weight. Weird.
Thanks for ruining toast for me. I love toast.
Your little munchkin is just too cute for words! She sure took a shine to Uncle Doug over the trip. What a little squirt
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